Cosmetic Facial Procedures

Facial Fat Transfer

About fat grafting

One of the telltale signs of facial aging is the loss of youthful facial volume. This typically begins in and around menopause for women or when body fat drops and can be seen in all areas of the face and body. All areas of the face can be affected, but most patients identify the cheeks, lips, temples, nasal folds and chin as the most common areas for fat loss.

Fat grafting, or “autologous fat transfer” involves liposuctioning excess body fat from preferably the tummy, love handle, or thigh area for purposes of adding volume to these sunken areas of the face. Fat grafting has several key advantages: first, it is your own body’s tissue so this eliminates the risks of allergic reaction or rejection. Secondly, fat grafting in expert hands demonstrates excellent longevity of results. For patients who tire of the endless need for injections to keep their cheeks full or their jawline smooth, fat grafting offers a more durable solution.

How long does this surgical procedure take?

Typically, depending on the volume of fat that needs to be harvest, facial fat grafting takes 1-2 hours in the operating room.

How long is recovery from fat grafting?

Facial swelling and bruising are common after fat grafting procedures. Recovery can take 2-3 weeks from the procedure due to surgical swelling.

Who is the ideal candidate for fat grafting?

Patients for fat grafting are typically 30 and older, and who have began to see age-related facial deflation. It is necessary that patients have adequate sites for fat harvest (not too thin). Often, fat grafting patients are women in their 30s and 40s who have developed “filler fatigue”. They enjoy the look of their facial dermal fillers, but are tired of returning frequently for injections and desire a more durable or cost-effective solution.


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