Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Breast Augmentation

Cosmetic Breast Enhancements

With breast implant surgery, also known as breast augmentation, you’ll have the option of changing your breast size and shape immediately. You can add volume to your breasts and curves to your profile, all in one procedure.

Women have breast augmentation for many different reasons, including:

  • Breasts have lost volume due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or aging
  • Breasts have always been smaller than desired
  • Breasts look too small in proportion to the rest of the body
  • Breasts have begun to sag due to aging, or after pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Asymmetrical breasts (one breast is larger than the other)

Our doctors will discuss your concerns with you and explain the details of the surgery and expected results. She’ll guide you through the many options to consider, including breast implant type (saline or silicone gel breast implants), breast implant size and profile, implant texture, and surgical method.

Dr. Victoria Vastine on Breast Augmentation


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